What is Suzuki Method?
What if piano came with a guarantee–that if you took lessons and tried your best, you would learn to play Rachmaninoff?
What if piano lessons were less about excuses and lack of practice, and more about the kind of challenge that develops grit and character?
What if your teacher taught you how to practice? What if she patiently, meticulously taught you what deliberate practice means—in a way that you could also apply to math, soccer, or anything you do?
Many people believe that talent is like a lottery with born winners, leaving the rest of us unlucky.
This is the dark side of believing in innate talent. It can beget a tendency to assume that some people have a talent for something and others don’t and that you can tell the difference early on. If you believe that, you encourage and support the ‘talented’ ones and discourage the rest, creating the self-fulfilling prophecy. The best way to avoid this is to recognize the potential in all of us–and work to find ways to develop it.”
Miss Tanabe’s Suzuki Piano Studio is a unique place where students learn these things and so much more.
Valencia Suzuki Piano focuses on three promises.

Achieve the Impossible
Your child will learn to achieve the impossible through patient, deliberate practice. Talent isn’t a prerequisite: it’s a result.

We Are a Team
You will be your child’s partner: working with and supporting them through their musical journey. We are all working together!

Empowering Environment
“Your child will become more than merely a fine musician, they will become a fine person”
– Dr. Shinichi Suzuki
“Piano has given me so much, and learning how to play it is the very least of the gifts. A lot of the things that I took away went beyond music lessons. The discipline of doing something every day, doing it even when you don’t want to, figuring out where that comes from… Learning how to deal with the nervousness, being able to have an even keel, an appreciation for music, the friendships…”